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Most Useful Turkish Phrases for Travellers

Basic Turkish Phrases for Tourists

Knowing some basic Turkish phrases can make your visit to Turkey smoother and more enjoyable. 

Turkish people are known for their hospitality and will appreciate your efforts to communicate in their language.

Here’s a list of essential Turkish phrases for tourists to help with everyday situations.

1. Greetings and Polite Expressions

  • Merhaba (Mehr-hah-bah): Hello
  • Günaydın (Goo-nahy-dun): Good morning
  • İyi akşamlar (Ee ak-shahm-lahr): Good evening
  • Hoşça kal (Hosh-cha kahl): Goodbye (when you are leaving)
  • Güle güle (Goo-leh goo-leh): Goodbye (when someone else is leaving)
  • Teşekkür ederim (Teh-sheh-kyoor eh-deh-reem): Thank you
  • Rica ederim (Ree-jah eh-deh-reem): You’re welcome

2. Basic Questions

  • Evet (Eh-vet): Yes
  • Hayır (Hah-yur): No
  • Lütfen (Loot-fehn): Please
  • Bu nedir? (Boo neh-deer): What is this?
  • Kaç lira? (Kahch lee-rah): How much is this?
  • Tuvalet nerede? (Too-vah-let neh-reh-deh): Where is the restroom?

3. Numbers

  • Bir (Beer): One
  • İki (Ee-kee): Two
  • Üç (Ooch): Three
  • Dört (Durt): Four
  • Beş (Besh): Five
  • Altı (Ahl-tuh): Six
  • Yedi (Yeh-dee): Seven
  • Sekiz (Seh-keez): Eight
  • Dokuz (Doh-kooz): Nine
  • On (On): Ten

4. At a Restaurant or Cafe

  • Yemek menüsü var mı? (Yeh-mehk meh-nyoo-soo vahr muh): Do you have a menu?
  • Ne tavsiye edersiniz? (Neh tahv-see-yeh eh-dehr-see-neez): What do you recommend?
  • Su alabilir miyim? (Soo ah-lah-bee-leer mee-yeem): Can I have water?
  • Hesap lütfen (Heh-sahp loot-fehn): The check, please.
  • Bu çok lezzetli! (Boo chohk lez-zet-lee): This is delicious!

5. At a Hotel or Accommodation

  • Rezervasyonum var. (Reh-zer-vah-syo-noom vahr): I have a reservation.
  • Boş oda var mı? (Bohsh oh-dah vahr muh): Do you have a vacant room?
  • Kahvaltı saat kaçta? (Kah-vahl-tuh sah-aht kahch-tah): What time is breakfast?

6. Transportation and Directions

  • Bu otobüs nereye gidiyor? (Boo oh-toh-boos neh-reh-yeh gee-dee-yor): Where is this bus going?
  • Havalimanı nerede? (Hah-vah-lee-mah-nuh neh-reh-deh): Where is the airport?
  • Bilet ne kadar? (Bee-leht neh kah-dahr): How much is the ticket?
  • Sağa dön (Sah-ah duhn): Turn right.
  • Sola dön (Soh-lah duhn): Turn left.

7. Emergency Phrases

  • Yardım edin! (Yahr-duhm eh-deen): Help!
  • Doktor çağırabilir misiniz? (Dohk-tohr chah-uh-rah-bee-leer mee-seh-neez): Can you call a doctor?
  • Kayboldum. (Kah-ee-bol-doom): I am lost.
  • Polis çağırın! (Poh-lees chah-uh-run): Call the police!

8. Shopping and Bargaining

  • Bunu alıyorum. (Boo-noo ah-loo-yo-room): I’ll take this.
  • Biraz indirim yapabilir misiniz? (Bee-rahz een-dee-reem yah-pah-bee-leer mee-seh-neez): Can you give a discount?
  • Diğer renkleri var mı? (Dee-yehr renk-leh-ree vahr muh): Do you have other colors?
  • Kredi kartı kabul ediyor musunuz? (Kreh-dee kahr-tuh kah-boo-leh-dee-yor moo-soo-nooz): Do you accept credit cards?

9. Common Phrases for Social Situations

  • Nasılsınız? (Nah-suhl-suh-nuhz): How are you?
  • İyiyim, teşekkürler. (Ee-yee-yeem, teh-sheh-kyoor-lehr): I’m fine, thank you.
  • Adınız nedir? (Ah-duh-nuhz neh-deer): What is your name?
  • Benim adım… (Beh-neem ah-duhm): My name is…
  • Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum. (Tah-nuhsh-tuh-oo-muh-zah mehm-noon ohl-doom): Nice to meet you.

Learning these basic Turkish phrases will help you navigate your travels and enrich your cultural experience in Turkey.

A little effort in speaking the local language goes a long way in building connections and making your journey unforgettable.

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You can ask "How much is this?" in Turkish by saying "Kaç lira?", which is commonly used when shopping.

Some helpful phrases for restaurants include "Yemek menüsü var mı?" (Do you have a menu?), "Ne tavsiye edersiniz?" (What do you recommend?), and "Hesap lütfen" (The check, please).

To ask for directions in Turkish, use phrases like "Tuvalet nerede?" (Where is the restroom?) or "Havalimanı nerede?" (Where is the airport?).

Basic Turkish greetings include "Merhaba" (Hello), "Günaydın" (Good morning), "İyi akşamlar" (Good evening), and "Hoşça kal" (Goodbye).

In emergencies, you can say "Yardım edin!" (Help!), "Doktor çağırabilir misiniz?" (Can you call a doctor?), or "Polis çağırın!" (Call the police!).